Examples of liquefactive necrosis can be seen starting here. Notice the photo of the macrophages cleaning up debris from an area of liquefactive necrosis in the brain.

Examples of fat necrosis start here.
Next is, you got it, the cheesy caseous necrosis seen in TB infected lung.

The Mycobacteria need to create these extensive areas of necrosis so they can be coughed out of the lungs and passed on to another individual.
Gangrene is next. Don't click on the link if you are feeling ill. The photo is of disembodied toes. We all know what can happen if you get frostbite.

Fibrinoid necrosis in hypertension.
Remember we talked about accumulation of abnormally folded proteins. Check out this photo of amyloid accumulation.
Then there is aging. Wear and tear (growing old) results in the accumulation of lipochrome in the liver. This is cellular debris that is sequestered within the cytoplasm.
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